50th Anniversary Gala
On February 11, 2023, the Festival Nacional de Exaltación del Botillo celebrated its 50th Anniversary Gala. The Manuel Marqués Patarita pavilion was filled to capacity for both the institutional event and the subsequent dinner, which was attended by more than 1,800 people. It was the largest botillo tasting dinner to date.
The main speaker was the chef Sergio Torres who, together with his brother Javier, runs the three Michelin-starred restaurant Cocina Hermanos Torres.
Another of the stars of the evening was the singer Víctor Manuel, who delighted the audience with his most emblematic songs, among which could not miss the themes closely linked to the mine.
The former Prime Minister, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, was one of the attendees at the event and subsequent dinner, along with numerous authorities who visited Bembibre to ratify their support for the National Festival of Exaltation of the Botillo.
You can read the chronicle by CLICKING HERE.
It should be remembered that the National Festival of Exaltation of the Botillo de Bembibre was born in 1973. Initially in the month of June, although it was soon moved to the month of February with the formula of “Saturday before Carnival Saturday”. In essence, 10 days before Shrove Tuesday or 50 days before the start of Holy Week.
50 years that go a long way and that you can see summarized in this video of just over two minutes that was shown at the 50th Anniversary Gala.