The World Cup presides over the Botillo

The National Festival of Exaltation of the Botillo de Bembibre had a marked sporting element, taking advantage of the presence of the president of the Spanish Football Federation, Ángel María Villar, in his capacity as ´mantenedor´. But he did not come alone, he was accompanied by the Soccer World Cup that the Spanish National Team won in 2010.

The Cup toured different Spanish towns, and Bembibre was not to be left out. In fact, during the days of the Botillo Festival, the Cup was displayed in the Bembibre Arena pavilion, where many locals went to experience it a little closer and take pictures with the trophy.

The Cup moved on Saturday, February 11th, 2012, to the Bembibre sports hall to preside over the institutional act and the gala dinner of the National Festival for the Exaltation of Botillo


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