Special Edition of the Botillo literary contest (2021)

In a year marked by the pandemic, and despite the fact that there will not be an in-person Botillo Festival, the Bembibre Department of Culture has opted to maintain the literary contest. An event that encourages creation beyond, even, the municipality itself or the Bierzo region.

Under the name “Special Edition of the National Festival of Exaltation of Botillo”, this initiative maintains the economic prize of 900 euros for the winner and the text must refer to the bobbin. The presentation of the works can be done according to the following


Participants: Anyone who so wishes can participate.


The works must be original and unpublished and must not have been selected or awarded in another contest.

The theme will be free to choose, but it will always include an allusion to botillo, a gastronomic dish that gives rise to the Festival.

They must send a copy on computer support (CD) and 3 printed copies, with a maximum extension of 7 DIN A4 model sheets, in Times New Roman font, size 12 to space and a half, paginated and stapled by their left margin and must be written in Spanish.


The originals must be submitted under a pseudonym, which must be entered, together with the title of the work, on the title page. The works will be presented by the escrow system: In a large closed envelope, another small envelope will be attached to the work of the contest, on the outside of which the title of the work and the pseudonym appear, and inside the title of the work, pseudonym, photocopy of Document proving the identity of the author and their personal data: name, surname, address, telephone number and email.

In the event that the same author submits several works, they must do so in different envelopes and by the same procedure.

Place and deadline:

The admission period is from November 19 to December 30 at 2:00 p.m. The works will be presented or sent to the Department of Culture, Festivities, Tourism and Commerce of the City Council of Bembibre, Plaza Mayor, no 1- 24300 Bembibre (León), stating in the envelope “BOTILLO LITERARY CONTEST”. “Special Edition of the National Festival of Exaltation of Botillo”.

Diffusion: The Department of Culture, Festivities, Tourism and Commerce reserves the right to disseminate the awarded work and does not undertake to return the works presented.

Prize: A single prize is established, endowed with 900 euros.

Jury: The jury will be made up of people related to the world of Literature whose name will be announced with the ruling, which will take effect through a press release on February 5, 2021.

The presentation to the contest implies the full acceptance by the contestants of these rules.


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