Bembibre’s National Festival for the Exaltation of Botillo already has a winning poster

Bembibre’s National Festival for the Exaltation of Botillo already has the official image of the forty-ninth edition, which will be held on March 19. The jury chose the work signed by Susana Gomes, winner of the Festival del Botillo poster contest for the second consecutive year.

The Mayor of Bembibre, Silvia Cao, and the Councilor for Culture, Festivities, Tourism and Commerce, Belén Martín, today announced the winning image of the XLIX National Festival of Exaltation of Botillo. In total, eight works were submitted to the competition, as usual and in accordance with the rules, in escrow format, on a sealed envelope and indicating only a pseudonym on the outside.

The winning poster is a nod to the essential ingredients of the ‘king’ sausage, such as paprika (scattered on the table, clearly drawing a botillo), accompanied by three cloves of garlic, salt and oregano.

The author will receive a prize of 500 euros, an amount that this year has increased by 42% compared to previous editions. In addition, one of the conditions was that the winner had to adapt the original design to facilitate its adaptation to different supports, such as invitations and digital media.

It is necessary to remember that the XLIX National Festival of Exaltation of Botillo moves to March 19 was initially scheduled for February 19, recently postponed a month due to health indicators. The City Council would like to express its most sincere gratitude to Susana Gomes for having adapted the poster to the new date, indicating March 19 as the date on which the event will be held.

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