The Botillo Festival website launches its Portuguese version

The Festival Nacional de Exaltación del Botillo takes another step forward in its commitment to inclusion and multicultural recognition: the translation of its official website into Portuguese. In this way, its official information channel relates the history of the event -which has been running for more than half a century since it began in 1973- with the importance of the Portuguese immigrant community during the second half of the 20th century.

The decision to offer a Portuguese version of our website is based on the significant presence of the Portuguese community in El Bierzo in general, and in Bembibre in particular. This link dates back to the 1950’s when the first flow of Portuguese immigrants arrived in the province of León looking for employment opportunities in the mines. The mining basins of Bembibre and Torre del Bierzo stood out in the beginning for hosting the largest number of immigrants, with almost 23% of the total Portuguese population in the province of León. This trend, which continued during the 70s and 80s of the last century, consolidated a community that quickly integrated into local society.

In addition to the Portuguese population, it is worth noting the link with the Cape Verdean community that came to the Bembibre mining basin to work in what was the economic engine of Bierzo par excellence.

This cultural bond further reinforces the need to make our website accessible in the Portuguese language, not only to bring it closer to the countries related to Bembibre, but also to open new channels of communication and mutual understanding with Portuguese-speaking communities.

The person in charge of supervising this translation has been Antonio Da Silva Costa, a Portuguese citizen and currently a resident of Turienzo Castañero village. He was an immigrant in the 1960s who arrived in Bembibre in search of better opportunities.

His experience and path was recently profiled in the book “Sin infancia. Topo en la mina. Otra vida. Así lo cuento”, with its corresponding edition in Portuguese, reflects the essence of the lives of many immigrants and their contribution to the development of towns like Bembibre.

Da Silva, with his deep knowledge and experience, has been instrumental in ensuring that the translation accurately reflects the cultural richness and welcoming spirit of our Festival.

The Portuguese translation of our website is more than just an act of accessibility. It is a gesture of recognition towards a community that has contributed significantly to the development and cultural enrichment of Bembibre and Bierzo Alto, as well as the mining basins in which they settled.

In addition, this initiative is presented as an opportunity to strengthen possible ties with Portugal and its communities, especially gastronomically

With this translation, the website of the Festival Nacional de Exaltación del Botillo can be displayed in the official Spanish language, in English and, from now on, also in Portuguese.

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