Tickets for the Botillo dinner will go on sale on January 9

ENTRADAS ONLINE AGOTADAS. Only 300 tickets available at physical point of sale

People interested in attending the Botillo Festival dinner can purchase tickets from next Monday, January 9, online. Subsequently, on January 18 and 19, a face-to-face point of sale will be set up at the Casa de las Culturas.

The Municipal Festival Board, responsible for organizing the cultural and gastronomic event, puts the first 1,200 tickets on sale online on January 9, at 9 in the morning. The sale will continue until 00:00 on January 17 or until all seats are exhausted.

The process will be channeled through the website However, the official page of the Bembibre’s National Festival for the Exaltation of Botillo,, includes a direct link to the online sales platform.

Ticket prices are 37 euros per guest. The limit is 10 tickets per person and DNI/NIE.

Sales point

The organization reserves another 300 tickets for sale in person at a physical point of sale, on January 18 and 19, at the Casa de las Culturas, from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. People who purchase their respective tickets will receive a ticket number to make the payment in the account number that will be indicated.

At that time, you will be informed of the process for collecting tickets with table assignment.

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