A special television show to celebrate Bembibre’s Botillo Festival in a different way, due to the pandemic

On Saturday, February 6th, the town of Bembibre would have dressed up to host the 49th edition of Bembibre’s National Festival for the Exaltation of Botillo. The pandemic has not allowed it, but the television network La 8 Bierzo has reminded us of the importance of this day taking spectators in a journey through its history and testimonies from people closely related to the event from its origins.

The Bembibre City Council invited you to participate in the botillo party yesterday:

Tomorrow would have been the forty-ninth edition and we want to have a memory so that no one forgets the party of our king meat-stuffed dish. In this special show there will be all kinds of messages from former mayors, councillors, chair people and invited artists, as well as a journey through our history and our memory. We hope that all this unfortunate situation will be gone as soon as possible and allows us to prepare the next edition with renewed enthusiasm.

We also want to invite citizens to prepare botillo this weekend, to keep the party alive, and to upload their photos, messages and videos to social networks with the hashtag #festivaldelbotilloedicionespecial. Let’s not let the pandemic completely ruin our great party.  Let’s celebrate, but always respecting all the sanitary measures of the Ministry of Health.


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