The Botillo Cultural Week advances with the screening of the documentary video “Si ka badu, ka ta biradu” (If you don’t leave, you can’t come back)

The House of Cultures of Bembibre will screen this Monday, January 29th, the documentary video “Si ka badu, ka ta biradu” (If you do not leave, you can not return). This screening, which is part of the activities of the Cultural Week of the National Festival of Exaltation of Botillo, will take place at 19:00 hours with free admission.

“Si ka badu ka ta biradu” portrays the role of migrant women in the survival and welfare of their families, in the Galician town of Burela and on the Cape Verdean island of Santiago, on both sides of the migratory movement.

Four generations of women tell their life stories in this social documentary based on academic research and, in doing so, draw afaithful portrait of the gender and cultural differences in the organization care.

We see them cooking, cleaning and caring for dependents both and where they were settled in the Galician society of destination, and we understand the impact that this unequal distribution of the burden of care has on their lives. They are also the ones responsable for maintening contact with backhome be it phonecalls, letters and instructions. They are the ones who save for their dream future and retirement. In Burela or Caboverde. Because they went, they can return.

“Si ka badu, ka ta biradu” is a verse by the Cape Verdean poet Eugénio Tavares that responds to the complex relationship of his country with emigration.

The documentary, which has been co-financed by the Xunta de Galicia, is part of the academic project “Cape Verdean families in Galicia. Impact for the development of the transnationalization of care and remittances” by the researchers Antía Pérez Caramés, Luzia Oca González, Belén Fernández Suárez, Keina Espiñeira González and Iria Vázquez Silva, and the Galician Association of Communication for Social Change (Agareso) between September 2021 and May 2023.

Photographic exhibition

Yesterday, Saturday, the opening of the exhibition “Kuidadu na diaspora / Cuidados en la diáspora”, curated by Keina Espiñeira took place. It is a photographic ethnography of Cape Verdean women in Spain that focuses on the communities of Burela and Bembibre.

The exhibition, which premiered in Bembibre with great interest from the public, focuses on Cape Verdean women and families in a close collaboration between the promoters of the project and women of Cape Verdean descent who contributed their documentary testimony.

It can be visited in the exhibition hall of the Casa de las Culturas until March 8.

Here you can see some images of the opening ceremony.

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